Call us 75 Judges Avenue, Cresta, 2194

About Alchemy

Tang Soo Do Programmes

Tang Soo Do (Korean karate) classes are offered to all ages from 4-65 years old. each age group has classes structured towards the needs of that age group while still covering the Combat Tang Soo Do syllabus and preparing the students for progress through gradings and for self defense on the street.

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Our Instructors

It is the objective of Combat Tang Soo Do to provide the public with qualified, practical and concise training which will lead to a proper understanding of combat related training, this will be practical and effective with techniques for self defence as well as sports competition.
Gregory Hart

Gregory Hart

7th Dan Tang Soo Do 2nd Dan Haedong Kumdo Martial Arts Master Instructor, Haedong Kumdo Instructor, National Team Assistant Coach

7th Dan Tang Soo Do
2nd Dan Haedong Kumdo
Martial Arts Master Instructor,
Haedong Kumdo Instructor,
National Team Assistant Coach

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Checking out your site from London – cool. Looking at some of those action shots *really* brings back some memories. See ya! Greg

Greg Solomon

Hi Guys Just having a look at your snazzy new web site makes me real home sick! You are all doing so well and we miss being there working our butts off every week, we will however enjoy the break until we return! Thinking back of where we began and where you are now its fantastic well done! Congratulations Greg and Marsha on the wedding, wish you both well! Cheers Gill and Cheri-Lee


This site is fantastic, well done!

Amanda Duncan

Nice Website guys!! Had a good look arround. Does bring back some awsome memories. Let me know if you guys have a dojung in Cape Town.

Peter Johansen

Hi Greg. Wow its been such a long time since Wits days. Just checking out Tang Soo Do again. May want to bring my son when his a bit older. Regards


Hi Greg Iwas playing around on the net and came accross your site!How’s life?Miss you guys a lot, let me know of any futher seminars as I have some friends that wishes to attend. TANG SO!


hi =] just came across the site from the newsletter, it’s really cool =] hope to see u all in Holland!! x louise x

Louise (scotland)

nice site guys. well done!!

nariema ralitsoele

Hello Sir, We really enjoyed being with you at the International championships in the U.S.A. Congratulations on your wins in the masters division. Great performance. We are looking forward to visiting with you in the future.

Mike Bogdanski

I just would like to thank Master hart for his great help in my training in Holland and frienship both from him and his students. hope to see you soon sir. RSA neil hurd

Neil Simon Hurd

The pics for the world champs are great! Well Done to all who participated! Cheers, Amanda


Whatsup Master Greg! I like your website, looks pretty cool. All the best to you and your family! Cheers Sbn Xander

Sbn Xander

a bit late maybe but well done everyone for holland! and nice site 🙂

Louise Baker

hey hey. just wanted to stop bye and say hi, sorry to hear about james getting hurt i send my well wishes to him and a fast recovery. still in th UK and hope to start training when i get back (24th june)

Ryan paterson

Hi Everyone It is great to see that Tang So Do is still going strong . I miss my traing days with Anne Wilkonson at the Nursery School across Witpoortjie station. I am currenlty doing Kick Boxing and the Tang So Do kick as well as combinations are coming in very handy. Greetings

Jaco oberholzer

Lanklaas so goed gevoel om te sien hoe veel plesier dit verskaf om iets spesiaals te doen! Go Tang Soo Do!


Hi Master Gregory! Greetings from Austria – hope sword grading went well? Missing my training, but I am showing all relatives what I’ve learnt! See you soon, Sebastian

Sebastian Schultz

Hey Master G. greetings from NZ. Hope all is well.

The Singhs

hi! really good website. was nice to see everyone in poland. keep enjoying training! 🙂 Louise x

Louise Baker

Greetings! I am a student of Haedong in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. I am always looking for other schools around the world to communicate with about Haedong. I really enjoyed your website and am impressed with the number of students you have. If I ever make it to Johannesburg I would love to come work out with you. Keep up the good work. HAEDONG!

Jonathan Graham