This Korean art has its origins in the martial traditions of the Korean peninsula during the Kokuryo Dynasty (AD 37-668).
is an art based on classical form rather than on competition or sports form, the repertoire of techniques is far greater than many other arts.
The Japanese alphabet (called Kanji) and the Chinese alphabet are very similar in many regards. However, they are not phonetic.
13-65 years old
The traditional martial art of Tang Soo Do is combined with aspect of boxing and other arts giving the student a complete syllabus of kicks and strikes for self defence and sports competition.
Traditional weapons training is supplemented with Kobujitsu and Eskrima, giving the student a comprehensive weapons syllabus.
Character development is emphasised through discipline, hard work and striving for excellence. Students start on white belt and progress systematically through the coloured belt levels to earn the widely respected ‘Black Belt’.
Black belts have the opportunity to qualify for National colours and to wear the Protea when representing their country in international competitions against the nations of the world.
7-12 years old
Training in the traditional and practical martial art of Tang Soo Do geared towards children and their development, both physically and mentally.
The training follows the core syllabus of Combat Tang Soo Do – an arsenal of kicks including both spinning and jumping kicks, hand techniques like punches and open hand strikes, grappling and self defence strikes with knees and elbows, wrist locks, arm bars and other joint manipulations for self defence, weapons training, both traditional and practical and empty hand patterns for balance concentration and control.
Sports competition is also opened up to the student with the chance to compete in provincial, national and even international events.
At our school you will learn the magical Oriental Art of Qigong, a form of Internal Strengthening of Organs, Muscles, Tendons and Sinews by using Breath and Movement. We focus on Breath, the Flow of Blood and Energy. These will make you feel more Relaxed, Invigorated and have a better feeling of Well Being.
The Korean sword martial art of cutting, drawing and combat with the sword. Build character and strength while you master the sword art of Korea’s Hwarang knights who carved out the ancient kingdom of Silla and founded a dynasty. Their traditions of chivalry, dedication to training, loyalty to country, brotherhood, honour and commitment to being a positive contributing force within their community are alive and well in the art of Haedong Kumdo.
The traditional Korean combat art famous for its powerful kicks, devastating hand techniques as well as grappling and weapons training. Ideal for self-defence, confidence, overall fitness, health and flexibility. Sports competition is also part of Tang Soo Do training and offer the student a chance to represent their district, province and even their country in provincial, national and international competition. This is complimentary to the traditional training received by all students.
Tang Soo Do like many other traditional martial arts has had a huge influence on the modern competitive sport of kickboxing. Many of the tournaments that our athletes compete in are multi-style events where Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, Kickboxing, Karate etc. All compete together in semi contact, points sparring and light contact, continuous fighting.
Master Gregory Hart has used his 30+ years in martial arts to devise a self-defence seminar which will cover the theoretical and practical aspects of self-defence. This seminar can be run as one 3 1/2 hour course or done in 4 x 1hr classes. These can be booked with Master Hart in whatever format suits the available time.